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Gathering of Gamers; 1st Regional Cyber Collegiate League


Jan 9, SM City Gensan atrium – 

Where the first ever-Regional Cyber Collegiate League took place, a 4 day event which is composed of different art and gaming competitions, like Counterstrike source, Tekken, Defense of the Ancients 2 (DoTA 2), and Yugi-oh tournaments, art contests on multimedia, photography and drawing categories. 

The events were flocked by gaming enthusiasts from various collages all over Gensan, participating in showcasing their gaming skills and creative talents, all competing for the top spot to bring prestige to their collages.

Plus, RCCL features free to play World of Tanks and console game, which drew in crowds of gamers, where they played for hours, had fun with fellow gamers and even be awed by the presence of beautiful models handing out free game stubs.

RCCL also had a display of high-end remote controlled planes, helicopters, trucks and cars from Aero Cam Media, which  has drawn not only little kids but the grownups as well, with their impressive control handling in drifting the cars up and around their little ramps, made onlookers feel like a kid again, even I, all of a sudden wanted to get my claws on those controls and try some tricks as well.

The main event, which took place on the final day of RCCL - Jan 12, was flocked by mall goers, anime and gaming fans alike.“What is cosplay for you?” Ms. Johanna Quilinderino, RCCL’s host asked the all geared up contestants after their character presentation, on the first cosplay competition of 2014 in Gensan. 

The crowds cheers echoed across the mall as their favorites took the stage, as the contestants bring characters from anime and games to the reality. Participants were judged on their craftsmanship, characterization, stage performance and audience impact. Undeniably cosplay is a hobby that needs dedication; it’s an art form that brings together visual art and performance art. I've always wanted to take part in cosplaying, who doesn't want to dress up as their favorite characters? Its just that I never had the  luxury of time.

It was clear the impact of video games already had on the attendees, it inspires the creative mind, improves hand and eye coordination, developed faster, more accurate attention allocation and just like any other game, brings people with the same passion closer together, which RCCL had successfully given to everyone who took part and celebrated video gaming at its finest.

Follow me on Twitter or Instagram, @kyriekoutre for more adventures in and around my wonderland that is Gensan, Tuna Capital of the Philippines

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