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How Generals Keep Cool in Summer


Patricia Ciocon
Reports have shown that this summer 2015, in Gensan is the hottest city in the Philippines. Maybe because of the hot Generals? With that, I’ve asked around Gensan personalities, How they manage to beat the heat, and keep their cool?
For Patricia Ciocon a college student from ADDU, having her vacation in Gensan, said her go to outfits for the heat are light weight clothing, and pairs them with cute sunglasses and even a wide brimmed hat. Ice cream and smoothies are her go to snacks against the heat.
Don’t let the heat keep you from enjoying the summer break, says Jdee Landero a Fashion Photographer, who shares that, “Even for once in a year go somewhere you’ve never been before. Travel, take lots of photos with memories, even though its hot. Summer’s really fun, and sure you make the best out of it”
Steph Tiu
Stephanie Chu, Proprietress of Stevens Place has a lot on her plate and going around town for errands with the extreme heat may sound really exhausting, indeed it is, but she manages to counter it by, “Dressing smart lang. Wear light clothing, then travel light always, just bring a messenger bag or something just lighten up your feeling” she replied.
Shara Tobias a model and student of NDDU, shared that she goes against the heat with a comfy summer outfit, ice cream, the beach/pool, and swimming.
Shara Tobias
And as for me, I keep my cool by staying indoors, AC blasted to full, with snacks on my side and glass of Gelatea, while having hours and upon hours of movies and TV series DVD marathons. Yeah, I wish. Seriously the heat is insane, but lets not get inside our heads, seize the day, even if its burning your skin, or blinds your eyes.
What do you do to beat the heat? Tell me all about it! Mention/follow me on Twitter or Instagram, @kyriekoutre, plus for more adventures in and around my wonderland that is Gensan, Tuna Capital of the Philippines.

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