gensan kpop town,
kpop face off 2014,
sm city general santos city
K-Pop Face Off 2014
From South Korea, Korean Popular Music or 'K-Pop' started making waves all over the Philippines since the dawn of Asianovelas on Philippine TV. Now K-Pop got even bigger especially with the impact of social media within different fan bases. With that, Gensan K-Pop Town, Gensans very own K-pop Community, brought us, 'K-Pop Face Off 2014' which took place at SM City Gensans Trade Hall 1, last April 27, 2014.
I was invited to be a judge, and was astonished on how big K-Pop really is in Gensan. With more or less than 500 screeching fan girls and boys, cheer for their favorite contestants under different categories such as, K-look-alike, Song Cover, and Dance Cover, I twitched a little as the screams echoed in the trade hall, but after getting used to it, I eventually smiled with awe from their enthusiasm.
24 groups for the dance cover, 3 K-look-alike and 9 song cover participants graced the stage and shook the walls of the trade hall, with their awesome costumes, killer vocals and ground breaking dance moves as they were being cheered on by their supporters. Between each event they raffled a bunch of K-Pop goodies to the crowd. It was truly a fun afternoon indeed. I understand the joy of being surrounded by the people that share the same passion as you.
Follow me on Twitter or Instagram, @kyriekoutre for more adventures in and around my wonderland that is Gensan, Tuna Capital of the Philippines.