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My Top 10 Favorite Blair Waldorf Quotes and When To Use Them


We all have that fictional spirit guide that we look up to when we're feeling not quite ourselves, when real people don't seem to cut it. Some look into scripture, some toward philosophy, people in history and so on.

Me? I have quite a few, depending on the situation, but my favorite has to be Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. My favorite anti-hero / hero / bestfriend / frienemy you wish you have/ didn't have. HAHAHA!!!

Why Blair Waldorf? One, she's not eerily squeaky clean. She has flaws, sometimes she's a pain in the neck and as mean as hell. But she's just like all of us. Flawed.

Here are my favorite lines dropped by Queen B herself... and options where you can use them yourself. ( I already used some of these lines in real life a few times myself. Hahahaha )

10. For your loving BF/GF 💕

9.   When someone else grabbed that last pair of sexy black
Louboutin's off the shelf. Yes, the one that you've been eyeing and saving for months. 💔

9.   When you're motivating yourself. 👸

7. When someone chose you as a second option. 🙅🏻

6. Advising a friend, who's just waiting for a divine intervention. 👽 

5.  When someone tells you that fashion isn't that relevant. 💃 

4. When you see your bf's ex with someone, er - - - 🤦‍♀️ 

3. When you just finished binge watching your favorite TV series.  🖥 

2. When advising your bff regarding his/her boyfriend/girlfriend. 💁🏻 

1.  For the man/lady that holds your heart. 💑

Ugh. I miss Gossip Girl even more!!!

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