You built me up so high
So high
I touched the clouds
just to find out
You brought me there,
just so you bring me down
I gave you everything
Trust and
and what did I get in return?
Suffering and
I plummeted to the core
when you openly fell
into that harlots trap
And with that
with all my might
I will return the favor
For all the pain, suffering and betrayal
I offer this gift to you
I know how much you want to be with your harlot so here
I tied both of you up
In this unholy embrace
in which I caught you in
Accept this bed of dirt
to match the filth that you are
I hope both of you are comfortable down there
*muffled screams from the ground*
Before I bid you both 'adieu'
Here's a bottle of gin
to drown in memory of you
How could I forget
You two might get cold
so here's a candle
to keep you warm
You look so good wrapped in ember
See you both in hell